. Maps of the suceptibility of cliffs to instability at the regional scale

. Hazard indices [Net Shoreline Movement & Linear Regression Rates]
Hazard indices [NSM and LRR], calculated using the DSAS Add-in, v5.0 (Digital Shoreline Analysis System), based on the statistical calculation of the rate of change of various historical locations on the coastline, in a time horizon of 65 years old [Faro-Vila Real de Santo António] and 68 years old [Figueira da Foz-Nazaré], parameterized using transects, with 10m spacing, perpendicular to the coastline.

. Regional erosion susceptibility charts at regional scale
(available soon)


. WMS service for the Geological and Coastal Hazard Map
Scale 1:3000; ongoing update of new data.

. Coastal hazard Assessment
Morphological characterization and monitoring of changes in coastal areas using differential GPS and fixed wing drone, with RTK: Creation of digital terrain models, with high resolution, characterization of dune environments, their morphology and coastal hazard assessment, and quantification of changes in the coastal zone: Erosion and accretion.


. Technical and scientific e-learning on coastal risks, susceptibilities and mapping