- LA12. Integrated Services for the Mitigation of Cosmic Risks
Coordinator: Teresa Seixas, FCUP
Co-coordination: Alexandra Pais, UC
Institutions: FCUP, UC
Line of action oriented towards the identification and mitigation of cosmic risks associated with potential collisions of asteroids or comets with the Earth, or even the fall of orbital space debris, as well as intense solar storms and space weather events that they may entail.
Aims to identify and discuss a series of risks from the space environment with a potential local or global impact on Earth, and help define mitigation strategies; to propose to the Portuguese Space Agency the creation of a committee to address these problems; to integrate international networks, such as the ‘Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG)’ and the ‘International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN)’, to integrate asteroid detection and tracking systems (Sentinel and NEOCam – asteroid detection telescopes in the IV range), and finally, to contribute to develop skills in Global Space Governance.
- Solar data [here]
- Monitoring parameters of space meteorology [here]
- Calculation of astronomical ephemeris [here]
- (available soon)
- Asteroid catalogue
- Space Weather [see also WG6]
- Risk maps of geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in the REN transport network
- Risk alerts for the occurrence of geomagnetically induced currents
More on Space Weather here
- Risks of asteroid-Earth collisions computational tool
- Asteroid reflectance spectroscopy
- Risk of asteroid-Earth collisions
- Modeling of reflectance spectra of meteorites and asteroids
- (available soon)
- E-learning course on mineralogical characterization of asteroids by reflectance spectroscopy
Check more TRAINING available via C4G.
Other sources on cosmic data and products: . Asteroids: General Information, Missions to Asteroids; Risky Asteroids . Meteorites: Global Database; Catalogue; Landings; How to Find Meteorites; The Meteoritical Society . Small bodies: Small-Body Database; Minor Planet Center . Space: Space Situational Awareness