• LA2. Professional, technical and scientific training

Coordination: Fernando Carlos Lopes, UC

The C4G community offers in-house, e-learning and field-based training activities in its various geoscientific topics.

For other pratical training or a specific demand not listed below, please contact us.

  • Training
    • Geodesy [+]
    • Geology [+]
    • Geophysics: Seismology [+] Applied Geophysics [+]
    • Geomathematics, modeling and computation [+]
    • Remote Sensing [+]
    • Marine Geology [+]
    • Geoenvironment [+]
    • Georesources [+]
    • Risks: Natural [+] & Cosmic Risks [+]
  • Materials [+]


  • Field training in GNSS equipment (to be available)


  • Petrographical and microspectroscopic characterization of geological materials
    Includes training on available equipment, software and data interpretation


  • Operation and management of seismic networks
    Short-medium term stays for professionals
  • Processing and seismic analysis
    Short term stays for professionals
  • Seismic networks
    Short term stays for students



  • Training on seismic reflection and refraction data processing and acquisition
  • Training in acquisition and processing of GPR, 2D, 3D profiles
    Archeology, structures, geotechnics
  • Formation on well logging
  • Modeling the crust structure with seismic noise and magnetometry
  • Registation, processing and interpretation of geophysical data in archeological context and on the environment
  • Formation in stochastic inverse seismicity
  • Numerical modeling of crustal deformation for studies on seismic sources
  • Inversion of the waveform to study seismic sources



  • Statistical learning course
  • Risk modeling course applied to earth and environmental sciences



  • Remote sensing
    Provide the basic knowledge to manipulate remotely sensed images along a complete processing chain, from data pre-processing to map creation and analysis: platforms, sensors and types of remote sensing data. Image processing techniques. Machine learning and classification. Change detection techniques. (1 week, in-house)

  • Mapping and spatial modeling with unmanned aerial vehicles


  • Theoretical and pratical training
    Processing and interpretation of geophysical data, curses in the 3 upper cycles in marine curricular areas tailored to C4G partners and stakeholders needs. In-house and e.learning.



  • Modeling of geochemical processes
    Learn to model chemical, thermodynamic and kinetic reactions, between water, gases and solids, to represent geoenvironmental phenomena and processes, using the PHREEQ program. (21 h)

  • Remote Sensing applied to the geoenvironmental studies
    Provide the basic knowledge to manipulate remotely sensed images along a complete processing chain, from data pre-processing to map creation and analysis: platforms, sensors and types of remote sensing data. Image processing techniques. Machine learning and classification. Change detection techniques. Spatial features analysis in earth and environmental topics. (1 week, in-house)

  • Medical Geology
    Workshop consisting of several modules foccused on the impact of geological materials and their (un)voluntary application in ecosystems and human health. (1 week)

  • Environmental management systems – ISO 14001 (2015)
    Standard ISO 14001 – 2015 – what changes in relation to ISO 14001-2004
    1. Requirements; 2. Areas of coverage; 3. Environmental audits; 4. Evaluation of environmental performance; 5. Life cycle analysis; 6. Environmental labeling. (60 h, classroom or b-learning).

  • Potentialities of Isotopic Hydrology: a contribution to the protection and sustainable management of surface and underground water resources
    Basic principles of isotopic techniques applied to hydrological studies: stable (2H, 18O, 13C) and radioactive (3H and 14C) isotopes: origin, preferred altitudes of the recharge areas, direction of underground flow, average residence time and age apparent increase in underground water resources. Process identification mixes between surface and underground water resources. Characterization and identification of the origin of the mineralization. Use of isotopic techniques to solve aquifer contamination problems (15N and 34S). Environmental isotopes in the assessment of saline intrusion versus dissolution of evaporitic minerals (sedimentary basins in coastal areas). Identification of the most suitable isotopic tool for solving a given hydrological problem. (1-2 days; in-house or e-learning.)


  • Training in proceedings on the use of specific equipment used in georesources
  • Training in normalized protocols in the characterization of georesources
  • Training on operational units of mining extraction, processing of ores, storage of rejected materials
  • Intensive training courses in extraction and mineral processing



  • E.learning training for potential users of OpenQuake
  • Tsunami risk workshop
  • Training on good practices and long term risks due to radon exposition
  • Technical and scientific e-learning on coastal risks, susceptibilities and mapping
  • Workshops on the risk of mass movement and its mapping


  • Modeling of reflectance of spectra of meteorites and asteroids


+ Materials

. Images related to Earth Sciences (GEOIMAGENS)
. Geology lexicon (GEOLEX)
. Hydrogeology lexicon (HIDROLEX)
. Palynology Glossary (PALINOGLOSS)
