- WG3. Rock Physics and Geomechanics Laboratories
Coordination: Manuel Salgueiro da Silva, FCUP
Co-coordination: Maria Matilde Costa e Silva, IST
Institutions: FCUL, FCUP, ISEL, IST
Working group foccused on delivering data, products and equipment for the study of the physical properties of rocks and their mechanical and electrical characterization under static and dynamic actions.
Aims to the requalify the rock physics and geomechanics laboratories, to the innovation of processes and to the development of new tests, to share laboratory data and to train laboratory technicians.

- Deformation curves under different load conditions (.csv)
- Elastic moduli and poisson coeficient data (.csv)
- Rock index properties data (.csv)
- ElectroRocks
Computer application for the simulation of processes of generation and transport of electric charge associated to events of inelastic deformation or rock fracture
- Determination of rock strength
• Direct Tensile • Indirect Tensile, Brazilian Test • Uniaxial Compression (EN 1926, 2006) • Triaxial Compression • Shear • Flexural under concentrated load (EN 12372, 2006); all tests follow the suggested method of ISRM, 2007. - Determination of rock deformability
• Young Modulus static (EN 14580, 2007 • Young Modulus dynamic • Poisson Ratio; all follow the suggested method of ISRM, 2007.

- Laser particle analyser
- Fotogrametric station
- Rock discontinuity shear test system
- Cutting box
- Soils direct shear test
- Casagrande shells, penetration cone, Greenhouse et al.
- Vacuum chamber and pycnometers
- Soil-free expandability equipment
- Bishop type edometer modified for soil swell analysis
- 2000kN compression load frame
- Sieve grain size analysis
- Grain size analysis by LASER diffraction
- Elastic wave measurement (rocks and concrete)
- Eletromagnetic detection system
- Ultrasonic monitoring system and AE recorder
- Uniaxial press
- Vacuum pump
- Optical microscope
- Triaxial Hoek cell
- Datalogger
- Pressure control system
- Linear variable displacement transducer
- Acoustic emission sensors – P wave & S wave
- Ultrasonic pulser-receiver
- X-Ray microtomograph
- Climatic corrosion chamber
- High pressure triaxial cell
- Hydraulic press and accessories
- Direct pull press
- Permeater for rocks under constant pressure
- Coreflooding system
- Equipment for sonic speed measurement by ultrasonic pulse transmission
- Axial and diametral deformations mesurement system
Check more EQUIPMENT available via C4G, here.